Blue rock face, Wales

This impossibly colored rock was, in fact, clearly visible along the bluffs of the coast of Wales. I’m not a geologist, so I have nothing more intelligent to say about it other than “WOW!”

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Technical Details

Pentax, 1/180,f/5.6, 70mm, ISO800 with adjustments for tone curves in LR


John, the colors are beautiful, but the combination of texture and lines is incredible. Wow, indeed! I love the solid blues on the left side, and the lighter blues on the right. The geological line running through the middle is a great border for the two blues. What puts this over the top for me is the added texture of the straight lines running LLC to URC. Such a complex scene. Almost like a photo of a coastline from space. Congrats on seeing this and composing.

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Wonderful abstract here John. The diagonals make this work well. Looks like limestone to me. Copper based minerals leaching through the sediments can cause the colors seen in this image. But that is just a guess.

I certainly agree with your “Wow!”, and the other comments. Beautiful abstract. I have no idea of the scale even though you mention it is “visible along the bluffs . . …”

Almost looks like a double exposure. Super lines and textures. Very dynamic abstract photo.