Breakfast Please: House Finches + Repost

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


While waiting for orioles, two house finches showed up at the feeders with junior at feed me now mode. Morning light was perfect and I fired away. Fledgling house finches are theatrical and pester any nearby adult for food. Dad was obliging and they left the area with full bellies.

Specific Feedback

How do you feel about this image? Is it to bright?

Technical Details

Z9 600mm f4 (1/1000 sec at f8, ISO 2500) Levels, DeNoise, Crop for Comp, Fill flash at -2ev.

Critique Template

Use of the template is optional, but it can help spark ideas.

  • Vision and Purpose:
  • Conceptual:
  • Emotional Impact and Mood:
  • Composition:
  • Balance and Visual Weight:
  • Depth and Dimension:
  • Color:
  • Lighting:
  • Processing:
  • Technical:

The repost features less contrast, slight reduction in exposure and removed most of the bright spot in the upper LH side.

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I like this, Jim. You caught the youngster’s pose beautifully. Did you try anything with a lower shutter speed to try to get more wing blur in the youngster?

Super!! Wonderful interaction with good focus on both. Very nice perch and BG. For me it is a bit high in contrast, especially on papa, and I wonder about burning down the bright BG spot in the UL corner.

Hi Jim
I would change anything. The brighter green lighting in the upper left side of the frame brings my eye right to junior. Nice work.

I like this image just fine. It’s a nice “moment”. I’ve been seeing a lot of this lately around here. Lots of hungry kids begging. Well caught!

Hi Jim, I like the BG better in the rework. Think I could go either way on the brightness of the birds. A fine behavioral catch of the youngster begging to the adult.

Hi Jim. I think the repost is a significant improvement over an already fine image. Well done.

Thank you @Allen_Sparks , @Dennis_Plank , @Dave_Douglass , @Peter_Morrissey , @Diane_Miller. I like the repost too and should make a fine print…Jim

Oh for sure print that. Fabulous.

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Super! Thumbs up!

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