Bring home breakfast

All summer, I have watched Egrets feeding along the Back River, but this the first time one that flew by me carrying a fish home. The photo was taken on Sept. 7 at 7:48 AM. hand held from the Zodiac.
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Is this a composite: No
Canon 7Dll, Sigma 150-600mm, F7.1, 500mm, 1/6400, -1.3EV, ISO 400. The shot is cropped by 40% into a 16 by 9. In DxO PhotoLab 4, I reduce the highlights, added a little blue to the sky and sharped the beak and eye.

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I like it a lot: I like action shots and I have never caught an egret flying away with a fish.

Lovely light Peter and a good pose from the Egret. Neat to see it with a fish. The Egret does look just a tiny bit soft.

Interesting behavior for a the egret to be flying with a fish in September. I would not expect any young ones to feed.
Very nice flying photo of the egret. Both wings down and flying by at a nice angle to you. If you have room I might have the egret just a bit more to the left in the frame. I like the pano crop.

Hi Peter,

The head is a touch soft, but it is nice to catch an egret with a fish. I like the wing position and the simplicity of the composition…Jim