Bufflehead pattern *and re-post*

Below is a re-post, with some lightening of the eye to make it a bit more visible. I brightened what little white was in the eye, and also raised the shadows about 50 in LR. It is a very subtle difference.

Bufflheads are so pretty when the sunlight brings out their irridescent colors. I’m not a big duck photographer, but I was kind of bored so took this one, which I realized was in some deep blue water. I didn’t realize until I edited this that the diagonal patterns in the water were kind of cool. I like the overall effect of the irridescent colors, against the water patterns.

Type of Critique Requested

  • Aesthetic: Feedback on the overall visual appeal of the image, including its color, lighting, cropping, and composition.
  • Technical: Feedback on the technical aspects of the image, such as exposure, color, focus and reproduction of colors and details, post-processing, and print quality.

Specific Feedback and Self-Critique

I tried really hard to not blow out the whites in the side feathers, while pulling enough color out of the darker parts of the Bufflehead. The histogram says I didn’t blow the whites. Do the whites look ok, or too dull?

Do you like the patterns in the water for the background?

I was just talking with someone about how I avoid butt shots of birds in flight. This is technically a butt shot (!), but I kind of think its ok since so much of the face is visible, and the butt is pretty low in the water. What do you think?

Technical Details

500mm, 1/2500 second, f/5.6, ISO 360

Lightroom for selective adjustments to brighten the shadow areas, and reduce brightness to bring out a little details in the white sides, spot removal, and crop. Topaz DeNoise, and Photoshop for some further spot removal and a slight Orton filter.

Very cool patterns in the water, Mark. Buffleheads are neat ducks and you caught the iridescence very well. I like this as posted.

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Lovely! I think the whites are good. I see this as a portrait as I get a full head view and little attention is given to the butt. I agree with you wholeheartedly that the overall effect of the iridescent colours, against the blue water patterns is wonderful. Colours like this make me happy.

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Hi Mark,

Yep, you did great at capturing the iridescence and the whites look really good.
I agree that the patterns and the smoothness and color of the water really top this image off.

I also like how the duck is nearly parallel to the diagonal lines in the water.

The framing and the details are great as well! :slight_smile:

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I agree with all the positives above. You probably wouldn’t like to do this, but I’d try and add a small catchlight to the eye (or just lighten the eye a bit) as it is a little bit obscured (I’ve never seen this beautiful duck).

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Hi Mark, love seeing all the iridescence on the head and the whites look good to me. The water pattern is quite cool and adds another point of interest. With the head turn, I would not consider this just a butt shot. In looking at the large version, I’m wondering if this was a sizable crop as the bird’s plumage seems somewhat pixelated. A fine image either way.

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Excellent image, Mark. The lines in the water frame the Bufflehead nicely. I think you have the whites looking just right. I agree with others who suggested lightening the eye area. Dodging that area just a touch would met the eye pop out and make this already impressive image even more so.

Well done.

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Thank you very much @Robena.Sirett , @Merv , @Allen_Sparks , @Dennis_Plank , @David_Bostock , and @Mike_Friel ! I appreciate your taking a look and giving your feedback. A second version has been posted where I lightened the eye by raising the shadow slider to +50 (more than that the eye started to turn gray), and also raised the White slider on the existing white spots in the eye, for a bit of glint.
Allen, thanks for pointing out the pixelation. The crop was 40% so I do think that caused that effect. Also the focus wasn’t perfect which may have contributed to lower image quality when viewing full size. Live and learn!