Burrowing Owl chick learning how to fly

Burrowing Owl chick on early practice flight with siblings watching from the background to showcase the center owl more.

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Technical Details

shot at 1/2500 sec at f8 at ISO 500 and slight sharpening in Photoshop Camera Raw and converted to sRGB from Tiff file.

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This must have been wonderful to get to watch! Perfect capture of the flying owlet and love how you captured the 2 in the background watching on! You captured a great moment!

Wonderful image Larry. I love the 2 OOF juvis in the background and the one flying toward the burrow. Great symmetry! This is also my favorite perch at this site. This is well framed and composed. The bird in flight is nice and sharp and has an intense look on the face and you captured a really nice open wing position. You also have pretty good light here.
Have you been back in last few days? I’ve been a couple times and have not seen anyone else shooting but it’s been so hot that the birds have not been doing anything other than sitting under the vent. :frowning:

As you can see I just joined per your suggestion. Thanks for comment. No I did not go back since I saw you and was waiting for cooler weather.
You should look up Frank J Haynes, a famous photographer of Yellowstone in the 1880’s https://www.yellowstonestereoviews.com/publishers/haynes.html
Larry Moskovitz

Hi Larry, really nice in flight shot telling the story of the owl family. Wonderful sharpness on the center owl and the other two add a lot of interest. Well done.

You really nailed this. Great flight pose, looking right at you, and sharp detail. The other two, watching their sibling, adds a lot.

Awesome action shot, Larry. The intensity of the eyes is remarkable.

Excellent, Larry. I love the way the two background birs frame the subject. This species always has such an intense stare, and this specimen is no exception.

Hi Larry
Very nice head on photograph of the Burrowing Owls. I get the impression, the sibling are saying " you tell him Billy". The eye contact is everything in this photograph. Very nicely photograph.

Fantastic shot, Larry! Details, color & exposure are all excellent. The Owl chick definitely looks determined to figure out this flying thing! :slight_smile: The two oof siblings are a great bonus and I like that they are in opposite diagonal corners.

Wonderful owls, that make for nice subjects. I love the overall image, and the two onlooking birds add so much to the story. Really, really neat image! Well done, Hans p.s. I just noticed that the legs of the right owl seem cut off, should you have more space in the original image, I would recommend adding some to the bottom