The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.
I saw my first yellow-rumped warblers of the season yesterday. There were two in our dogwood tree and I snagged this pose of one. I wish that more of its namesake were showing…
Specific Feedback
Cropping? General feedback?
Technical Details
Z9, 180-600 lens, monopod, 1/1000th, f 9.0, 1260mm. ISO 6400, cropped to 3041 x 2307
Critique Template
Use of the template is optional, but it can help spark ideas.
Nice catch, Dave. I like the pose and wonderfully soft background. There’s one little spot in the lower left…looks like a specular highlight, or something…right around 8 o’clock from the bird’s head…that seemed to pull my eye. Otherwise, excellent image.
Very nice, Dave. I do see the little circle David mentioned and I might also remove the out of focus forked twig in the upper right that doesn’t seem to be attached to the main perch. Detail in the bird is really nice with a good head turn.
Nice shot. I agree with the others about the limb and spot in lower left area. Removal of the limb would also remove a spot similar to the one in the lower left.
Really nice pallet of yellows here, Dave. Sweet head turn and detail, and an interesting perch . I agree that removing that OOF wishbone twig in the upper right would make this a stronger, distraction-fee image.
Very well-done!