Butterfly Orchid in the wild

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


While slogging in the Big Cypress we ran across this wild Butterfly Orchid.
I know it is not for everyone but I like flowers in Black and White.
South Florida has about 60 species of native orchids in the wetlands.

Specific Feedback

Feelings about b&W flowers

Technical Details

Lumix G9

1 Like

Lovely image, Steve. There are times, for me, when I prefer B/W to color. In this case, I think it works quiet well. For me at least, B/W helps to simplify the image and also create a focal point. Nicely seen and captured.

Nicely done, Steve. It looks like you had a busy background here and B&W can help reduce the distraction of bright colors, particularly if the tonality range is fairly limited. It works quite well in this case.

Very nice! This works very well for me in B/W, not just because the flower has such nice tonal detail but because the setting has such nice “bones”. The large-scale structure supports the flowers very well. I think the flower on the bottom could even use just a squeak more contrast.

Steve: Works for me in B&W. I especially like the spotlighting on the flower. Well seen and very nicely processed and presented. >=))>