Redo 2
Critique Style Requested: Standard
The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.
Foggy morning on Caddo
Specific Feedback
This one has so much processing it is more of a painting than a photo.
Can not make up my mind if I like it or not.
Need your help on this one
Technical Details
Lumix pixel shifted
1 Like
I find it interesting and don’t think it feels over-processed or “slap-on filtered.” It’s a very interesting composition of an engaging subject, with interesting subtle colors. I wonder if the tree on the left should be vertical. Also wonder if some darker vignetting at the edges would enhance the look of mystery.
The framing feels a bit tight – do you have a wider capture? That would move the large tree away from the edge and allow the foliage on the right to maybe not be so cut off?
I don’t know what processing you did on this image, but you produced an incredibly evocative image. It has an overall soft feeling to it, accentuated by the hanging moss, muted soft colors, and the fog. The placement of the green branches with the complimentary red in the background really helps make the green branches appear to be jumping out of the screen. I also like the one tree on the left as it serves as a great counterweight to the green branches. One other aspect I like, and I don’t know if you applied it in processing, is the vignette in the corners. Three of the four corners are darker, which I like, but the URC is lighter than the rest which seems odd.
Don’t know what you did to it, but I love it. 
Needs to be viewed large. The thumbnail doesn’t do it justice. I could get lost exploring around the image trying to discern what is real and what not, what is reflection and what not, where the water begins and so on. I assume these are bald cypress in a swamp?
I like the ghostly tree trunk on the left. It sets up the rest of the image for me.
Thanks, Everyone
Just posted a redo at the top
Tried a very strong vignetting looks much darker here than on my screen.
The trees in the center are Bald Cypress the one on the left is some sort of pine.
If you look at some of my other swamp images you will see except for Cypress nothing is straight and sometimes not even the Cypress.
Your thoughts
I like the redo, but maybe make the vignette a bit less dark and extend it just a bit farther into the image? Just my take.
Redo 1 is too dark, but Redo 2 is on point.