Cattle Egret collecting a stick

Cattle Egret seen last April in a rookery in Louisiana.

Canon 7D2, 400mm f4 DO IS II, 1.4x TC, monopod
ISO 640, f5.6, 1/2000s

Any comments appreciated.

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Never seen them do anything like this ! Great moment, well captured ! Love the droplets. Cheers, Hans

Another nice shot from that excursion, Allen. The reflection and light are great and I love the pose.

WOW. This is amazing, Allen. Very well done on all counts. Great job controlling the whites. As much as I like the reflection, I think it detracts. I could see much of the reflection cropped out. It brings the attention right to the bird and the action. Too bad about the blue shadow on the far wing tip. I am wondering if there is a way to fix that in post…

Another nice action shot, Allen. I like how it plays against the dark background and reflection.
