Celestial Jasmine

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


Honestly, I did not have this interpretation in mind when I took this photo in 2016. I enjoy revisiting older images and processing them with software and techniques I did not possess when the images were first taken. When revisiting this image, the yellow center of the Jasmine flower and the dew drop reminded me of the sun and an orbiting planet. I processed the image with that concept in mind.

Specific Feedback

I had to do some cloning and content aware fill around the edge of the dew drop because the petal had yellowed a bit in that area. My hope is that the resulting softness comes off as the glow from the sun’s reflection. Does that work?

Technical Details

Olympus OMD EM5 Mk II. Olympus 60mm 2.8 1/125 sec at f5.0 ISO 1600.


The large version reveals details that might get missed when looking at the smaller version. The lighting is very nice, especially at the center of the flower which brings out those details and color. The positioning of the droplet and center of the flower are at ideal spots in the comp. I do not have any nits for you as I like this one as presented. Simple and awesome…Jim

This is really nice, Ron. I love the concept and the execution is very good. I could see just a touch more light on the sunny side of the “planet”. If you really want to get carried away, you could try a version with some warping tools (think “spherize”) to take it completely into the abstract realm.