Linda, this looks great, a very warm and colorful greeting, perfect for winter’s darkness. Having the dark area in the upper right makes a great spot to add a greeting. This is the kind of specific compostional detail that advertisers look.
Thanks, Mark. I do enjoy playing with the lights. I can see why advertisers would like it, but certainly not an avenue I’m interesting in pursuing. . . way to restrictive for me. Thanks again for your thoughts.
Hi Linda,
Great use of Christmas tree lights. Really neat idea and certainly well executed!
I think I like the second one better since it’s a bit brighter and the text fits better as well.
First one is very nice too!
Love the colors.
Thanks Mike. Yes it is a zoom. But it is a very intentional soon. I set the shutter speed for longer than necessary to allow for stops within the zoom. What I mean by that is I typically start in the stopped position zoom a bit then stop zoom a bit more and stop again. And that way I have definite in this case light images. I hope that makes sense. Thanks again appreciate your kind thoughts.