Bliss ~ 100224, 6:48am. F/9, .6sec., iso 500, 85mm, hand held, ICM

Beginnings ~ 100224, 6:55am. f/6.3, .77sec., iso250, 200mm, hand held, ICM

Free ~ 112924, 11:05am. f/36, 1/4 sec., iso 64, 112 mm

Life ~ 190224, 8:56am. f/36, 1/25 sec., iso 100, 250mm, hand held, ICM

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


My photographic life, as much as I had planned, apparently had other plans for me this year. Thankfully I have had moments of time to relax and let my camera go where it wanted.

Specific Feedback

While reviewing these photos I felt they all contained the feeling of new days, new adventures and a much needed calmness.
How about you? What do you feel, see and think of while viewing them? I welcome your thoughts and hope you enjoy them as much I have.

Technical Details

Technicality was never a goal for me while taking these photos, however I would greatly appreciate any thoughts.

Critique Template

Use of the template is optional, but it can help spark ideas.

  • Vision and Purpose:
  • Conceptual:
  • Emotional Impact and Mood:
  • Composition:
  • Balance and Visual Weight:
  • Depth and Dimension:
  • Color:
  • Lighting:
  • Processing:
  • Technical:
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I like all of these, Linda. Most of them have a very peaceful mood and we all need more of that these days. The second is my favorite, probably because I’m fond of hills.

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This is a lovely set, Linda. One, two, and four feel calm to me. Three has tons of energy - I love it! Five (the triptych) feels ominous.

Hope you can have more moments to relax and let your camera go where it (you!) want in 2025. :slight_smile:

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Linda, an excellent collection here. For me they’re all so calming and present immediate Zen. Well all except the ICM, but that’s the nature of those scenes to be erratic and throw one off balance a bit. With that thought it does exactly that very well… :+1:

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Great themed collection, Linda. They’re all beutiful. I always seem to be the contrarian. I agree with your feelings about the images except for the calming part. I feel dynamism. Especially in the ones with strong red colors. I never considered red a calming color. I absolutely love the second image.

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Linda: Marvelous vision to create these kind of images. I see the softness you’re looking for but also the dynamism Michael mentioned. You would be unfamiliar with this but Drifting looks like an OCT retinal scan. I had to look twice :wink:. Really well conceived and superbly rendered. >=))>

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Thank you @Dennis_Plank , @Bonnie_Lampley , @Michael_Lowe , @Paul_Breitkreuz & @Bill_Fach for you kind comments.

Dennis, of all of the “favorites” from this year, Bliss is my absolute favorite of the favorites. Taken at predawn in my neighborhood on my morning walk. The “hills” are actually part of a roof top I could not avoid. However, while processing it I realized they added a wonderful element to the scene.

Bonnie, I am hoping that I will be able to have more time in the year to come. “Free” I also love! It is the only one of the set that is not an ICM. It was a very windy day so I just set my SS & ISO low and the f stop at f/36 and let nature take it course as they say. Fun day.

Paul ~ Yes, the “Free” image is the only one that is not an ICM, just a very windy day. What I do enjoy about it is the excitement it creates. . .well, and all those colors. Great day.

Michael ~ I certainly understand your point of view. Yes, they are most calming to me, but also have a sense of hope, expectations that something new and exciting is just around the corner.

Bill ~ I had never in my wildest imagination thought of an OCT retinal scan! But now that you point it out, there it is. The “Drifting” photo (taken at our local pond predawn) is actually three individual ICM shots taken one after the other. Then I combined them and created the triptych. It is best viewed as large as you can get it.

Linda, #1 and #2 are especially calm and meditative. I could spend much time viewing and drifting. #3 is very dynamic…feels like joyful dancing. #4 is very nicely calm, but not a dreamy as 1 or 2. The two brighter spots add a fine sense of depth to the view. The tryptich does feel ominous, especially with the black. You’ve done a good job of capturing feelings.

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Thanks, @Mark_Seaver. I appreciate your thoughts and kind words.

Hi Linda,
These are a wonderful collection of ICM favorites for the year. All are very colorful and bold; but calming and serene at the same time; while retaining a nice sense of motion. Beginnings and Free are my two favorites because of the warm palette and sense of motion. You definitely made the most of the time you had. Beautifully done!

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I enjoyed this grouping. Beginnings is my favorite. I like how the structure at the bottom adds an anchor and also cuts across the direction of the more colorful part of the photo. It breaks up the feeling of moving all in one direction. This is a technique that I admire and enjoy seeing.

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I can’t but agree that that is wonderful set Linda, and I can see why Bliss is a favorite; it is so peaceful. Happy Holidays!

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Thank you, @Ed_Lowe, @karlag and @John_Williams for you kind words. There is something about creating ICM images, at least for now, are very calming for me. I so enjoy the early morning light colors. The Free image, although not an ICM, has amazing colors but I also love the energy contained in the motion.
Happy holidays, take care.

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Beautiful images, Linda!

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