We’ve seen a number of homesteads, run down structures and such in here. Here’s something different for the category–current buildings. This was shot last spring as the Japanese Cherry trees bloomed. It features our typical dreary sky, but at least the smoke was mostly out of the way.
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Fujifilm GFX100, GF 100-200mm @ 190mm, 3.1 sec @ f/22, ISO 500, tripod, polarizer.
I wanted to get some compression on the buildings and the hills in the background while featuring the Cherry blossoms. Processed in Capture One. Processed the background to remove a bit of haze, added some clarity and slight warming.
I like the contrast between the trees (nature), and man made buildings. You succeeded in getting the trees to be prominent.
Is this the Portland, Oregon waterfront?
A great image of the Portland skyline (I guess) and the cherry blossom. I like the cherry blossom a lot, and have had the opportunity to visit D. C. during the right season a few times. Only a personal wish that you have had included the neon sign more prominent.