Sony A77II
Minolta 200mm macro
ISO 200, 1/60 @ f16
Early this morning I thought I heard some strange music coming from our patio and when I went to investigate I found this alien spacecraft hovering about. I did get several images and the aliens didn’t seem to mind. All comments welcome. >=))>
Oh wow, Bill, this is a real treat. I love the point of view that you chose to shoot this. I don’t think I have seen a Passion Flower from that position in an image before. Well done. Love your sense of humor as well.
That is amazing Bill, I have never seen such a approach. It came out very well indeed. Does look like something from close encounters of the third kind.
Great image and a very interesting perspective. Love the angled composition where the filaments in the foreground lead to the stigma. Does look like a flying saucer with the rotors in the top. f/16 works very well for sharpness. colors are great
Fantastic Bill, very creative . . …with a great sense of humor thrown in, keeping things light. Nicely seen and captured.
It does truly look alien, Bill! Your perspective is outstanding, with the strong purple/white lines zooming in from the right with a stamen and two pistils nicely sharp. The gyrations that flowers go through to get pollenated are amazing.