Sony A77II
Minolta 200mm macro
ISO 400, 1/200 @ f16
Our passion vines continue to bloom so I’m taking advantage of the good conditions before the gulf fritillary caterpillars start to decimate the leaves. I liked how the center parts were arranged. All comments welcome. >=))>
Amazing symmetry, @Bill_Fach. It makes me think about a helicopter that is about take off. It is a single shot or multiple exposures?
Lana: This is a single capture. I have not ventured into stacking, not because I don’t appreciate its possibilities and the terrific results one can get but I get my enjoyment from the challenge of the capture and not from a lot of time on the computer.
Bill, I love the shapes and lines as well as the colors in this beautiful Passion Flower. I can’t get it to go large though. Not sure if I am the only one or not. I have enlarged other’s photos with no problem today.
Not sure what’s going on. It acted funny uploading last night. I’ll try to edit and resubmit.
Shirley: Try it now. I deleted the original image file and uploaded again.
Great photo! I like how the stigmas occupy the spaces in between the anthers. I also like the 4 layers of clarity, which adds a lot of depth. The top layer is crystal clear for each part of style and stigma, and the anthers are also all the same level of blurriness. The 3rd layer still provides some detail which is nice and the 4th layer at the top of the photo really elevates the rest of the flower. Also the colors came out very nicely and add to distinguish each layer.
Oh yes, it is working now, Bill. What a great shot. Nice details where needed. I am like you on the stacking, I have yet to try it. I prefer getting what I want in camera, but of course we have some editing. I spend enough time here at the computer as it is. Speaking of that, I saw this huge ant this morning our our Wisteria bush, I think I am going to take the camera out there and see if he will show face again, and let me get a shot. Glad you got it fixed so we can enlarge. Fine image.
Great capture that shows beautiful structure and radial symmetry. dof is also adequate to show several layers. I can see several things - A peace sign, a star, a hair braid, etc. just fascinating.