Close Moorhen of the 3rd Kind

After a period abroad, I am back. Bird season is slow now, but in front of my house I shot this Common Moorhen Coot earlier this week. They always seem quite surreal with their colours and huge feet. The bird was walking on a little hill, the BG colours come from people picnicking in the park.

What technical feedback would you like if any?

What artistic feedback would you like if any?

I considered cloning out the light stem to the left of the bird, but decided against it since it seems to balance the image. Curious about your opinions…
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Pertinent technical details or techniques:

Nikon D500 with 500mm f4 | 1/800s | f4 | ISO450 | handheld

If you would like your image to be eligible for a feature on the NPN Instagram (@NaturePhotoNet), add the tag ‘ig’ and leave your Instagram username below.

Hans, this really is “Big Foot”. I just love face on images of birds, and this is no exception. To me, the light spot does seem to balance the image. I love the low profile, right down at face level with her. Very nice shot.

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How can anyone not just love a little fellow like this one? Very nicely done Hans. The soft background totally helps to make the bird stand out. Great photo.

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Hans, Love this shot especially how the soft BG complements the colors in the face of the bird.

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A very unique, captivating image. Of course your patented low angle just makes this even better!!

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Excellent, Hans. The bright weed to the left does balance the image nicely and the youthful plumage of this species fits the title admirably. The only thing I can think of trying is to remove the stem section of that bright weed, just leaving the head like a beckoning light in the fog. I’m not sure it would work that way, but it might be worth the few minutes it takes to try it.

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This is a fun photo, Hans! A strange looking bird with a unique face and humongous feet. The background just happens to be color coordinated with its beak and helps balance the frame. The low perspective gives it a Coot’s eye view that makes it a more intimate scene. Well done :+1:

Hi Hans
You just have to love Mother Nature for giving us a bird like this for you to photograph. Vary nice low angle head on photograph.

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Thanks all for your kind comments ! And thanks for choosing the image as an editor’s pick ! best, Hans

What a beautiful moorhen chick! I love the bird, the light, the huge feet and the grass works also well for me. We see many adult or grown-up juvenile moorhens on the grass, but never a chick. Parents seem to keep them mainly in the water or hidden away in the reeds, so the background makes the image even more special to me.

A well deserved Editor’s Pick.

Hans, Every time this image pops up when browsing posts I have to stop and enjoy this photo. For the reasons others have mentioned and because it is so darn good and draws me into it. Thanks for posting.