Coastal Sunrise

I just shot this one this morning. Despite not thinking I came away with anything worthwhile, I decided to process it anyway. The skies were empty so there was little color aside from the sun itself. For that reason, I didn’t include it and figured I’d focus on first light illuminating the algae. I finished the processing about 5 minutes ago, and rather than sit on it for a while as I normally would, I thought it would be fun to throw it up here and see just how off I was,.

Any and all feedback is welcome!

What technical feedback would you like if any?

Composition, color and light… does it tick any of the boxes to make it worth sharing outside of this forum?

Any pertinent technical details:

5DSR @ 35mm. 3.2 second exposure @ F11. CPL and 3 Stop ND. I did some minor focus stacking to maintain critical sharpness in the foreground.

You may only download this image to demonstrate post-processing techniques.

This is a very nice intimate image, @Art_Hughes I like the colors and the water’s motion. Maybe you need to lower the highlights in the water. I think it is a worthy image.

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Thanks so much Mattia. I agree that the highlights (on the upper left especially in my opinion) could be brought down a bit more to avoid pulling the eye towards those areas too much.

Thanks for taking time to comment though! I am guessing this one will continue gathering digital dust on my hard drives rather than being shared, but going through the motions on images like this can still be beneficial in refining skills.

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