

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


I often hike in a nearby part of the Phoenix mountain preserve. Lately I’ve been struck by the rock outcroppings, including at this spot.

Technical Details

ISO 100, 123 mm, f/16, 1.3 sec.

Very neat, Don. Your title fits extremely well. This reminds me a few intersections I can think of remember with a distinct lack of fondness. I kind of wish that quartz vein hadn’t been there, but I can’t think of any way to crop this without it that wouldn’t ruin the whole idea of the composition.

Thanks, Dennis.

A wonderful study in lines and shapes Don. I like the how the lines on the left converge towards the brighter rock on the right which to me looks like a shark’s head. I’d recommend lowering the brightness of the top center rock or cropping in. Good work seeing this composition. I like the colors and form.

Thanks, Alfredo.