After seeing Kris’s beautiful image with her kayak I thought I’d throw this one in, although the kayak is not visible.
The morning was cold (to my standards) and fresh, the water was clear enough to see the rocks and fish swimming deep below. We peddled ever so slowly across from one shore to the next .
Specific Feedback Requested
Any comments are welcome!
Technical Details
Is this a composite: No
ISO 100 f6.3 1/160s 24-70@24mm Hand Held from Kayak.
Basic adjustments in ACR include Shadows lifted a tad and Highlights subdued.
Something I’ve done which may not be liked by all ; I’ve flipped the image horizontally. I liked it better with the darker side being on the right.
Beautifully soft photo, Glennie. What’s not to love. The flip makes more sense, at least for me and the lack of transportation leaves me curious and wondering. Very nicely done.
Glennie, this is a great “dancing mist” view. The color and brightness shifts across the frame are very enticing. The the small waves in the near water frame the island’s reflection very well.
That is really beautiful and I don’t mind the flip. Wouldn’t have known otherwise. The mist seems almost to be clinging to the island. I’d paddle there in a heartbeat. I like the touch of blue on the (now) right.
I’m trying to catch up here from a busy spell and just now saw this. I’m so glad I did as it’s SO lovely and I just want to keep looking at it! The mist is amazing and you have handled the delicate tonalities so well! I love the dark water at the bottom, letting the scene rise out of darkness. The pinkish mist against the sky is icing on the cake!