Dahlia 1

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


I stopped by the Olympia Farmer’s Market Saturday and picked up 5 assorted stems from Dan’s Dahlias. I spent some time yesterday photographing them, mostly closer than this, but I liked the entire bloom best of the shots.

Specific Feedback

In addition to cleanup of odd spots in the petals, I used a Color Mask from the TK9 panel to pick the yellow centers of the florets and increased the saturation and luminosity of those areas to try to impart a glow to the bloom (it already looked like it to me,but I wanted to enhance what was there a bit). Was I successful? Does it look artificially enhanced?

Technical Details

Sony A7Riv, FE 70-200 f/4 macro @ 120 mm, tripod and cable release, f/22, 1/4 sec, iso 320. Light was indirect illumination from a skylight in the bathroom, background was a sheet of black foam core. Cropped horizontally a bit and canvas added to top.

So cool!! Dahlias are simply outrageous and this one is definitely holding its own! The bloom is very 3D. The yellows look perfectly natural and I think that was a great idea, well executed. Fun little detail with the border, too!

More in the dahlia deluge! This one stands out nicely and does appear quite 3D so I don’t blame you for including the whole of the flower head. The use of graduated color is a good one and looks natural to me. I especially like the way the edges of the petals stand out. I’m thinking of using a similar technique with color to illustrate a different concept and thought that some of the new masks in TK9 might help me do it. Hmmm.

This is beautiful Dennis, I just love floral images with pure black backgrounds. It intensifies the colours of flowers and enhances contrast and depth, giving a 3D feeling. A really nice photo. Cheers.