Taken in the Dahlia Garden in Golden Gate Park, San Francisco. I used a long telephoto at a distance, rather than a macro lens, to improve the depth of field.
Specific Feedback Requested
Any comments or suggestions would be appreciated, especially concerning the crop.
Technical Details
Is this a composite: No
f/16, 1/500 sec, ISO 800, Canon 100-400 II lens with 1.4x extender, focal legnth 504mm. Heavy crop.
Nicely done. The graphic arrangement is the heart of the image. As to the crop, it’s great. An option might be reversing the placement with the center of the flower to the bottom - that’s if you have the far side on the flower in the original image.
Using the long lens at a small aperture gives you all the depth of field you need. There’s a bit of very slightly soft focus, but that’s OK. It added to the reality.
Tony, this is great, I especially like the emphasis on the flower petals. The colors are spectacular with that hint of yellow in the center of the flower. I think the crop works nicely. It’s a bit different with the center pointing out of the frame, but that’s what gives the lower petals their emphasis. I wouldn’t change a thing.
I did not know there was a Dahlia Garden in Golden Gate Park. Will have to check it out next time I’m down there.
Telephotos are wonderful tools for close up work. The soft lighting is excellent and I especially like the shadowed areas at the bottom of the frame…Jim