Dahlia macro

I think dahlias are the most photogenic flower! This was taken hand held using my Canon 100 f2.8 macro lens, at the Dahlia Garden in Golden Gate Park in San Francisco. Any suggestions or comments appreciated.

I really like this, Tony. The soft colors, the repeated shapes, are very pleasing to the eye. I like that you minimized the amount of the flower to just a small portion, rather than the whole flower. :+1::+1:

Tony: Frame filling fantastic. I especially like the color palette and the light. Well seen, composed and captured.>=))>

Looks great, Tony!!!

Wonderful image Tony. Love, love, love the colors and the patterns getting bigger from bottom to top are really cool. The edges are a bit soft, but at least it’s consistent throughout and is not really a detraction.

I would however clone out some of the dark specks, especially around the middle area. Minor nit though.


Tony, this is wonderful, it looks like a impressionist painting. The colors and light are beautifully handled in your processing, the combination of purple and yellow is very striking. Excellent work…

Here’s another in the same series.