More dahlias + Repost

Another from the Dahlia Garden in Golden Gate Park, San Francisco. Hand held, 100 mm Canon macro lens. Any comments or suggestions welcome.


Very nice Tony. Brilliant colors controlled nicely, especially the reds. Only suggestion would be a little more space on the top. Great impact!


Beautiful closeup, beautiful colors and just a wonderful capture.

Have to agree with Patricia on the breathing room up top. I’d go even further and wish for just a tad on the bottom too. In this image the progression of the bloom is on display and so it feels a little unfinished up top. If that makes sense from an expert flora guy… :roll_eyes:

And I’m gonna be super critical here… but if you’re gonna be this close in showing off the details of the inner parts of the flower - those tipped red thingies… they could be a bit sharper… Actually quite amazed how much detail you maintain hand holding.

Regardless, still beautiful with terrific processing.


Thanks for the feedback. After staring at it for awhile, I see that it is off center in a way that unbalances it. Unfortunately, there is no more real estate to be had. So, I slightly stretched just the top fraction of the flower, and re cropped it in a way that is more balanced. Also, I attempted to increase the sharpness of the “red thingies” by using Shake Reduction and adding a bit more sharpening. Does this improve it enough, or are you still wanting to see more on top?

Very nice, Tony. Such nice details and color. A very pleasing image.

Tony: Frame filling fantastic. Your rework is a nice piece of icing on a very fine cake. I edited your title to reflect the repost. You might want to do that anytime you do a repost so that others know you’ve made changes.>=))>