This is my very first successful (in my opinion) shot of a Damselfly. They just have been difficult for me to get close enough to get a shot I was satisfied with as they usually don’t want to hang around and pose for me. He was in our flower garden yesterday, so I got my camera and came back out. Normally when that happens I don’t see them again until I don’t have the camera there and ready. He wasn’t where I left him, but nearby and I finally spotted him. They are pretty tiny to see. I sure appreciate all comments and critiques.
Specific Feedback Requested
Anything you might can suggest to improve the shot.
Technical Details
Shot with Canon 5D Mark IV, Canon 180 mm L macro lens on monopod, with KX-800 twin flash and diffuser. Settings all manual at f20, 1/200, ISO 320. Edited in LR, Topaz AI Clear and NIK (to help darken and lighten different areas of the background).
Shirley: Congratulations on this first for you and it’s a good one. I like the diagonal orientation in the frame and your DOF management. Everything is sharp and the head and eye detail is terrific. Most excellent. >=))>
Shirley, this is a fine catch on this damselfly. It’s a male Fragile Forktail, indicated by the “exclamation” mark on its back. Females are a dull blue, but still have the exclamation mark. If it was away from a pond, then it’s probably a youngster (teneral) hunting insects and waiting to mature. Then it will hang out near a pond and there will be lots of chasing of other Fragile Forktails… They are small and hard to approach, congrats on your success.
Mark, he was a long way from a pond, so a youngster, I would say. He was in our flower garden and we live a few miles from any ponds or creeks. This info is really nice to know. Thank you.
Amazing Shirley. The comp. was prefect. I love the color of this one. The size reminds me of these tiny blue ones we have here in AZ that bonce around so fast I am not sure why they bother to land. It is a great capture in every way.
Don’t know how I missed this one originally, Shirley but I like it a lot. Sharp and clear details, excellent color and really nice comp. Nothing to pick on here! Well done.
The damsefly looks good and looks sharp from head to tail. They always point the abdomen towards you and often the tip of the abdomen is slightly out of focus. But you got this one just fine. Color looks good too. Well done.