Dance around the light

If you pay attention . You can see story’s in the forest .Like these dancing trees.

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All feedback is more than welcome

Technical Details

Is this a composite: No
Nikon D850, 5.6, 1/15, ISO64,


Beautiful dance hall :grin:

The lights and darks on this image is like a dance, no doubt.
Gorgeous scene, the tones are great, i don’t think it needs any alteration other them a small crop from the bottom to remove that half trunk, being only half on the frame is a bit distracting to me.
At first that diagonal branch made me wanna go behind it to see that light on its full glory, but it grew on me, maybe because indirectly (or maybe on purpose) it channels the vision to the light as it is a strong visual element.

Thank you for sharing.

Before open the image, just looking to the small preview, i though the out of focus leaves on the URC would bother me, In fact I kind of like it.
the light rays coming into the image are something special.
(just like @João_Ferrão , i don’t like the half trunk on the floor.)

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This was how I thought of that branch too. At first it bothered me, but as I took time to study the image, I realized the contrast created by the dark branches actually helped the light streaming into in the ULC. I am more bothered by the OOF branches in the URC, to me they don’t really add to the image. Ben, I could see a vertical composition here that is essentially just the left half of the image as presented. I think a vertical would make an even stronger presentation of the streaming light rays.

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@João_Ferrão, @joaoquintela, @Ed_McGuirk. Thank you for commenting /studying my image.

All the branches and leaves make a sort of wall around the light together with the trees.A bit as Ed says. To me it’s like a barrel full of light.
I did try a vertical, but to me that took away the whole dance story.

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I love this photo. The way you captured it makes it look like a magical place!

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That’s a beautiful forest, and the light you captured gives it a fairy tale mood that is very appealing.

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