Dance Me to the End of Love

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


Taken yesterday near the base of the oldest quince tree (Cyclonia oblonga) in Korea, >500 years old. But it looked young to me.

Specific Feedback

Did the in-camera stacking do a good job?

Technical Details

OM-1 + 60mm Macro 1/60 f4.5 ISO 80 + diffused flash - handheld

10 shots stacked in-camera. Cropped, tonalities adjusted in PS, a bit of sharpening.

I think it looks great, but I have never tried stacking , so Iā€™m a bit of a novice. Perhaps those who do may have some comments, but I like it. Love the Cohen title. Fits the image wonderfully. I thought it was a Sycamore. Astounded to learn that it is a quince and more than 500 years old.

This is a piece of art Mike. You have a great eye to see this image. Looks like a good Picasso. Like Jim, I am a novice with stacking, but the detail looks really good to me. The patterns of the bark look like a really nice fabric. Nice one.

Mike, the focus stacking looks great on the subject on the left. Did you intend to get the right side in focus? I do find it a bit distracting.

The tree on the left has great form and texture. The color is excellent and the depth is lovely. Love your title too.

Thanks, @Alfredo_Mora. The oof part is intentional, as I saw her holding up a long drape as she danced.

Thank you, @Ed_Williams. I love the bark patterns, and the colors vary a lot between trees. I think they mature well like a good wine!

Thanks, @Jim_Gavin. This species of quince produces large yellow fruit. People collect these and use them as air fresheners; they have a long-lasting, muted and pleasant scent.

Thanks Mike. Ok that makes sense now. Wonderful work again!

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