Dancing to the Blues

Critique Style Requested: In-depth

The photographer has shared comprehensive information about their intent and creative vision for this image. Please examine the details and offer feedback on how they can most effectively realize their vision.

Self Critique

I like the various shapes of the Dusty Miller leaves against the Angel Wing leaves. I am still not sure if everything is in focus. Cropping is a major challenge because of the many leaves.

Creative direction

I love the textures of both plants and how they complement each other. I use the color to add to the magical nature I see in the play of the shapes.

Specific Feedback

All feedback is welcomed.

Technical Details

Stacked Dancing to the Blues
This is my first attempt at stacking images. This is a stack of five that I processed in PS. I have downloaded a trial copy of Zerene Stacker, but decided I did not have the patience to wade through the instructions right now.


This is another photo in my challenge to learn how to use my macro lens. The suggestions made in my Dancing in the Moonlight submission regarding DOF and stacking, challenged me to see if I could get the DOF in this image.

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Very nicely done, Barbara. If I really look closely, I can see a spot or two that it looks like PS didn’t quite get right. That’s the advantage of the Zerene and Helicon-they have pretty easy ways to clean up any places that the software didn’t quite get right. I like the composition a lot and the textures in the leaves really comes through.

Thanks, @Dennis_Plank. Do you use Zerene?

I do. Ask away!

More sexy textures in this one.

@Barbara_Djordjevic I haven’t used it in some time. I found I preferred the Helicon interface. But it’s just a matter of taste between the two. Kris and Diane both use Zerene.

Oh, this is the best yet, in my humble opinion, Barbara! I like how that one piece appears to be hugging around the leaf of the other plant. Kudos to you for stacking, to me it looks great and gives you more DOF. You managed the BG nicely too.

@Shirley_Freeman, thanks for the feedback. @Kris_Smith I haven’t tried using Zerene yet. I found that my Luminar AI has a stacking feature that is very easy to use. I may just stick with that for now since I already have the program.

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