Danny Boy

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


I was Dog sitting for my nephew and caught this grab shot with my phone. He was so excited he wouldn’t stay still… but i got this one image and it really shows his personality !!!

Very loving animal

Specific Feedback

Its a IPhone grab shot.

Technical Details

IPhone photography. just point and shoot and pray !!! Editing in Photoshop …


Gill, dogs can really entertain us and even pose for us when they want to. I’m thinking that this probably best fits in the Human & Fauna category though, rather than Macro. If you wish I can move it over there.

Ok. Thanks. I wasn’t sure where to put the photo.

No problem, Gill. I have moved it for you.

A very cool dog photo, Gil. Human and Fauna is for domestic animals, captive animals, or wild animals in a clearly human environment, so you’re in the right place. I like the exaggerated look of the face produced by the wide angle of the cell phone camera. I also like the black and white treatment. I have no idea what the original looks like, but I think it could use just a bit more canvas on the left so the nose isn’t almost clipped.

Yes I agree. But I was lucky to get that shot. He was so happy to see me and would not sit still. Just a grab shot. It was the best of 10 images. Sometimes we just get lucky and grab a photo idea that says something to us. I feel all photographers look for something that is spontaneous and quick. Capture that moment in time.

Thanks for showing interest. :camera_flash::camera_flash::camera_flash::guitar::joy::earth_americas::pray::earth_americas::camera_flash::camera_flash::camera_flash:

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