Bird on a rock. I like the pose here but I am not too sure about the granite perch. It is a close crop.
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Is this a composite: No
iso 6400, 400 + 2x, f6.3, 1250th, A7R4, 90% full frame
Bird on a rock. I like the pose here but I am not too sure about the granite perch. It is a close crop.
Is this a composite: No
iso 6400, 400 + 2x, f6.3, 1250th, A7R4, 90% full frame
Nice pose and excellent detail in the Junco, David. Rocks can be tough as perches. This one is fairly mellow, though it could use more depth of field. In my pond setups, I prefer dark and fairly small rocks or ones that have a fairly flat side I can point toward me so when they perch on the edge, the rock is in focus. Appropriate ones are surprisingly difficult to find.
My first thought was I like the simple lines and elements of the image. Then as I looked at it more, it feels like it is missing a “sense of place.” I’m not sure if that helps, but I love the OOF background, the details in the feathers and the bird’s position. Nicely done.
Hi David:
The bird is really nice in the image. The background works great as well. You asked about the rock. Well, it doesn’t help the image, but it doesn’t kill it either. I would disagree about more depth of field needed. I don’t want to see any more of the rock in focus. Sometimes you get what you get, just knowing that all the elements didn’t come together for an image.
Very nice capture. I’m not wild about the rock, but not a deal-breaker either. I’ve been wondering if we’ve been feeding ours too much. Looks like you have the same problem…
The Junco and bg really work well together and look great. The grey rock is quite plain and neutral. For me it is a very nice photo that would be better with a mossy branch or maybe a dark brown rock. I like how you have highlighted the bird against the green bg.
I dont mind the perch. I think a better HA is more important than the perch…
After studying this, I conclude that I like it as is. Linda thinks there may be a sense of place issue, but for me the rock provides that. Juncos love the ground and are constantly on rocks sitting on the ground and on the ground scratching and looking for food. Diane, I think the bird looks like it has eaten well because it is winter and is trying to stay warm.