Each year I visit and buy at least one new variety of day lily for my garden. This was my favorite find this season.
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Is this a composite: No
Canon SX60, F5, 1/200 sec., ISO 100
Each year I visit and buy at least one new variety of day lily for my garden. This was my favorite find this season.
Composition OK?
Is this a composite: No
Canon SX60, F5, 1/200 sec., ISO 100
Nice composition, nice color, and incredible sharpness throughout. The only nit might be to clone out the small dust spot in the center bottom…
This is really nice work, Patricia.
Gorgeous, Patricia. I love how the lines are pushing out and the contrasting filament/stamen pointing up create a dynamic feel, at least for me. The lighting is spot on and also the off center composition. @David_Bostock has a good point about the speck in the center bottom, if it isn’t too hard to remove, that would make it even better. Beautiful and very nicely done.
Dark Spot removed! Thanks. I didn’t see it before the post.
Wonderful composition, taking full advantage of the red areas. Wonderful DOF, color and detail.
Hi Patricia,
You took care of the only nit that I had so the rest of the image is ideal. Your comp and color palate are very nice elements in your image. Well done…Jim
My dad is a day lily collector, too. He has a rainbow in the garden. Nice tight look at the structures here. Possibly a tad too tight on the top, but that’s just me. The edges of the petals are so great - that bright, sinuous yellow. Love it. The orange is so different from your typical ‘ditch lily’ orange. Really beautiful.
Lovely photo. A small nit about composition: I wonder if a bit more real estate on the bottom would balance the photo better. But, beautiful as is.
You’ve captured the persona of the day lily - lots of colors, the sweep of the filaments, and the contrasting dark undersides of the anthers.
As others have said, I would like a little more canvas on the top, even if it introduces more background.