Day on the moss revisited

Description:Revisited a moss filled stream . Amazing how you can see new images and perspectives on the same place when going back.

Specific Feedback Requested: Any and all but should the bottom be cropped specifically?

Pertinent technical details or techniques: 70 mm f/22 30 sec iso 50

Is this a composite? No

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Very pretty capture, Mario. I love the lushness of the scene and the diagonal limb at the top is a nice extra. My only suggestion woould be to open up some of the shadows just a wee bit.

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I will second @Bill_Chambers comments.

Mario, I really like the way the light is hitting these elements. Very beautiful and noticeable. I feel like there should be a pot of gold or treasure that would be highlighted in the light against the tan colored part.
Very pretty!

Thank you all for the comments and suggestions @Bill_Chambers @Mark_Muller @Michael_Lowe .
Bill I like the revision…subtle but does make a positive difference ,

You’ve got some good light here and the dappled shadows also add interest. Personally I think it would work better without the log but others feel it adds a lot.

Mario, this is a nice little scene! I like the moss and the log diagonal as well as the colors contrast between the moss and the bottom of the stream. Also, the light is good.