
Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


This was taken one evening at Fern Ridge Reservoir near Eugene, Oregon. I had gone there with the idea of shooting from a different spot, but changed my mind when I saw these branches rising out of and reflecting on the water. Rather than a grand sunset, nature gave me a pastel sky which I thought contributed to the overall peacefulness of the image.

Specific Feedback

Any feedback is welcome.

Technical Details

2 sec. @ f11, ISO 200

Critique Template

Use of the template is optional, but it can help spark ideas.

  • Vision and Purpose:
  • Conceptual:
  • Emotional Impact and Mood:
  • Composition:
  • Balance and Visual Weight:
  • Depth and Dimension:
  • Color:
  • Lighting:
  • Processing:
  • Technical:
1 Like

This is beautiful and serene Chris. I love the pastel purples, pinks and blues. Those branches are just enough to add interest and not take over the image. I could see this on a wall.

Just lovely! It’s peaceful, but those branches keep it from being too sentimental (that is a good thing, IMO).

Love the soft palette Chris and can see why you stopped to take this shot. However for me not sure that the sticks add to the overall aesthetic of the image especially the larger stick with its reflection leading out of the image

Lovely composition with fitting pastel color!! What I love most is that “horizon line” of disturbance on the water – it is so geometrically perfect with no lens distortion, with the subtle reflection around it. The sticks are interesting but I have to agree with @ian7 – I think a version without them could be compelling!

Love the title!!

@Ed_Williams @Diane_Miller @ian7 @Bonnie_Lampley Opinions seem to be split about the branches in the foreground. I tried removing them entirely and felt that the image was kind of boring. I also tried removing some of the branches and like that better. I will do a repost with the results as I don’t know how to do it within this post.

@Chris_Baird - to add to your original post, scroll to the bottom of the post (not the comments, just the post) and click the pencil icon:

A new window will open up and you then can add a rework and change the title, too.

Thanks, Bonnie. I never would have figured that out.

Chris, this is a very nicely peaceful view. I think the sticks and their reflection act as an anchor, putting the viewer right there alongside the water enjoying the quiet. Without them, it’s still a peaceful view, but much more generic. Nice job finding a clean grouping, which is often quite challenging.

@Mark_Seaver Thanks, Mark. I appreciate your comments.