This is an oldie (2010!!) but one I’m glad that I saw walking by it on the trail at Ordione Point in Rye, NH. I reprocessed it for inclusion here. Shooting spider webs is hard except when they’re wet. Amazing how strong spider silk is that it can support loads like this. I assume it is the work of a single spider as I’ve never heard of cooperative web-building.
Specific Feedback Requested
Any feedback is ok. I obviously can’t go and reshoot, but I can tweak this photo further.
Technical Details
Is this a composite: No
Olympus E-30
Zuiko 12-60mm lens @35mm (70mm equiv.)
f/5 | 1/25 sec | ISO 400
?? probably tripod, but who knows? Brain fade.
Lr processed for exposure and a bit of a crop. Brought highlights down and opened shadows. Adjustment brush on leaf to minimize reflection and for color separation. Sharpening & nr. Photoshop to remove some annoying twigs and fill in some bright spots behind the web.