Dinner time!

There were about 4 or 5 Barn Swallows swooping and flying around this field the other night and I tried capturing them, it wasn’t easy and I know this isn’t perfect! But this is my best swallow picture yet!

Specific Feedback Requested


Technical Details

Is this a composite: No
Nikon D3400
ISO 1600
Cropped to 16:9. Lowered exposure, highlights,contrast slightly.

I love the composition, Vanessa. Getting the camera to focus on swallows in flight with a busy background like that is going to be difficult, but if you get it, it will be a real beauty.

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Yeah, @Dennis_Plank I really love how they skim the top of the grasses. Most of my shots came out blurred! But I got 2 like this. Hopefully if I keep trying I can get it and maybe a little closer too! I’m glad you at least like the composition! It’s a start anyway! :slight_smile:

Vanessa, swallows are so fast and erratic. I like this shot a lot, because the background is one color and texture. The swallows stand out. Great job!

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I think it’s a very nice image. Any bird in flight is difficult, but something as small and fast as a swallow is even more difficult. Looks like you were working in some very harsh light, too. Overall, a very good job.

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Thank you @Mark_Muller and @terryb for your feedback and kind words! I’m so glad you like it! Yeah, it was challenging to zero in on one and then keep panning them all over the place! And yes, this time of year even at 5 or 6, which was around the time it was taken, the sun is still pretty high! Thanks again!

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