Driftwood Abstract - Repost


Update based on Annika’s thoughts


Image Description

IN this year’s driftwood/lichen hunt, these swirls appeared again. Lovely in color, and pretty mysterious in BW

Feedback Requests

Does this grab attention and hold it long enough that you enjoy8 the swirls?

Pertinent Technical Details

f/8 handheld ISO 1250 x-t5 60mm macro (90mm equiv) probably less than 10 inches distance

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It definately grabbed my attention. - being a succer for patterns, that is. Great in bnw. I was however wondering if you could crop it differently, to draw more attention to what I consider the best part- the top left. I would have cropped it square. And maybe darken the top right corner a little.

Your thoughts helped me to rein this thing in a bit. I did the re-post before I noticed you had included a re-work; it ended up quite similar to yours. Thank you.

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Eye-catching. Works great in black and white. I do like the update better. Brings focus to the most interesting areas.

Dick: I like both versions and might give a slight nod to the rework but what a great subject and a really good capture and presentation. Most excellent.>=))>

Dick, I actually prefer the original. There’s a bit of a “Starry Night” feel to lines and swirls along with a nice sweep across the frame. The cropped version feels more static to me. My minor nit is that I’d do a bit of dodging of the brighter bits along the bottom so that they better match the rest of the frame.