Duet / Hawthorn and Sycamore

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


One of the days the Waxwings weren’t showing up, so I decided to try some ICM. Since I had the 100-500 + 2X on, I tried aiming at different small areas in the nearby trees. Most were deletions but a few caught some magic.

Specific Feedback

All comments welcome!

Technical Details

Screenshot 2023-12-06 at 11.33.40 AM

Two frames layered with the top in Overlay mode. Some minor twiddling with contrast, blues slightly desaturated. Cropped from the edges.

Very interesting, Diane. I really like the color combination and the variation in light from the cool soft blues to the brighter reds and oranges.

Lovely colors Diane and graceful flow to the image! For some reason this reminds me of a meteor breaking apart through the Earth’s atmosphere. Probably watched too many sci-fi movies.

Oh my f/72! I didn’t realize lenses closed down that far.

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Thanks, @Alfredo_Mora – and a good interpretation! I didn’t realize the aperture either until I decided to see how much light I could cut out without an ND filter (which was at home, of course). The bare lens, without the doubler stops down to f/32 at 100mm and f/54 at 500mm. Add the doubler and you get to f/72! (Of course all are the same actual aperture size.) The downside is that every bit of dust on the back of the TC looks like a dust spot on the sensor, although just slightly larger and softer. But much easier to clean.

This is quite lovely Diane! I really like the color pallet. I like Alfredo’s analogy of “a meteor breaking apart through the Earth’s atmosphere”.

I really like your technique and will have to try it myself. Well done!

Thanks, @Steve_Kennedy – let us all share in your fun!


Very cool! Like the others, just love the colors here. I see “magic dust” in this one, like the Disney magic I saw in one of Bonnie’s recent images.

One of the great things about the ICM and the no-limit processing… you could move some of those colors to orange and create a firefall… Another interpretation shifting the colors might be an abstract of the jellyfish at the Monterey Bay Aquarium.

No nits or suggestions. Well done!


Thanks, @Lon_Overacker! I rarely mess with colors – especially when I use blending modes – they can get quite wonderful doing that and sometimes I need to subdue them a little. But I agree that anything goes with this stuff!

Lovely color palette, Diane! And it is interesting to read the interpretations we all have on images like this! I am not sure what I ‘think’ it is, but I don’t care, I just love the movement and the colors very much!

Thanks, @brenda_tharp – just now saw your comment. The colors here were complete luck!