Early Frost

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


The beauty kept me by the river for too long, and my fingers were but useless after 45 minutes!

Specific Feedback

Any feedback on color would be appreciated.

Technical Details

1/500s @ f16

Critique Template

Use of the template is optional, but it can help spark ideas.

  • Vision and Purpose:
  • Conceptual:
  • Emotional Impact and Mood:
  • Composition:
  • Balance and Visual Weight:
  • Depth and Dimension:
  • Color:
  • Lighting:
  • Processing:
  • Technical:
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There is so much to love here, Simon. I like the gray and gold palette, the layers of textures and color, the low angle of light.

For me, the bottom edge needs some re-thinking. I would completely crop out the smoother texture with the frosty highlights there. Doing that would simplify the composition considerably.

I might also be tempted to crop down from the top just a tish, or at least burn some of those highlights.

Here’s one way of thinking about the re-crop, just a quickie screenshot.

Looking at it here again, with my crop, I’m thinking more off the right and bottom would be even better. Those highlights draw us out of the frame, and what’s in it is worth more of our attention.

I’m sure others will see additional possibilities. Great scene here. I hope you get opportunities to visit it periodically.

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Outstanding actor photograph! I love the subdued color palette and the back lighting just make the frosted branches and surfaces glow. I think @Marylynne_Diggs might be on to something with the crop idea. No matter the final, it’s a winner!

@simon what a great find. And yes, I can see why you stayed so long. I agree with a slightly tighter crop to clean things up. The star of the show is the little guy at the bottom, so either burn down or remove things that distract from it. This crop I did is a little dramatic, but just giving you ideas. Because I do like some of the trees at the top.
As far as the color, the blue does seem a little much. But it sure gives a nice, cold feel. I played with the tones a little, but they moved a lot with even small changes. But I did burn down a little around the small tree. I hope you get the idea these are only small details that might improve an already very nicely done image.

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This is wonderful Simon, and I agree with the above thoughts that while there are lots of small details to play with the overall image is a resounding success. I’m partial to @patrick6’s crop; I think he’s dead on about the little guy being the star. To add to that theme, I’d play with burning the brightest area of that tree in the background.

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Simon: I’ve been there and done that! Good on you for your persistence. I can see a small crop from the right just enough to eliminate most of the URC. The highlights there do pull my eye but everything else looks good to me. Really nice find and a fine capture. >=))>

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Good evening everyone,

Thank you for taking the time to reply. I appreciate the compliments, and am grateful for the great criticism. I was on my way to a small local supermarket, and for once I decided to bring the camera with me. The river beside the market was in great shape that morning and I came back an hour late with the eggs and bacon! haha.

I am also sharing with you the original crop, which I really had a hard time to decide on… I will be trying to create a few more scenes with it tonight.

A great week to you all,


Simon - a very stunning image! I appreciate all the comments and suggestions from our landscape guys and gals - helps me improve my weakest area…

First of all the photo is beautiful. Among the many proposals of changes in the composition I prefer the image of @Patrik Krohn and the suggestion of @Bill_Fach because cropping the right side a bit they are eliminated the highlights in the URC and those in the water, both distracting for me.
When it’s very cold I weare gloves that have fingertips that can be removed for shooting e put back on immediatly afterwards. But I am sure you have it at home.