Elephantastic -My images of Asian Elephants in Ranger Rick, March 2022 issue

I’m pleased to share my images of Asian Elephants, published in the March 2022 issue of Ranger Rick, including cover, opening shot and so many others. Only four images, which were of journalistic nature, which I didn’t have in my collection were taken from picture agents. :grinning:

BTW I’ve been shooting Asian elephants for the last 32 years or so.


Congratulations to you. This is quite an accomplishment and it must be an honor to have your work and talents recognized.

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Congratulations, Jagdeep! It’s easy to see why your photos were chosen for the article. Awesome series!

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I’m so excited for you, Jagdeep! I used to get Ranger Rick as a kid and still love it! It’s the magazine I always go for if they have it in a waiting room! :slight_smile: I love all your elephant photos and this spread is absolutely beautiful! Congratulations!

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Congratulations Jagdeep! Fantastic group of photos. I’m very happy for you to have your photos selected for this article.

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Congratulations, Jagdeep. Award winning images for this awesome publication. Growing up, Ranger Rick was one of my favorites too. Way to go! :clap: :clap: :clap:


Congratulations! You should be proud. :slight_smile:

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Congratulations! A wonderful set of images!

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Congrats Jagdeep! A nice set of images.

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Fantastic – congratulations!! I have given a gift subscription to our granddaughter (now 6) for three years, and she loves every issue! I can’t wait to have her show me the new issue and to tell her I “know” the photographer!!

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Congratulations, Jagdeep. That’s an outstanding collection of photos and information.

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Congratulations Jagdeep! That’s awesome!

Years back I used to get their “want list” for publications, but alas, I never had anything…

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Congratulations, Jagdeep!

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Congrats! What a cool set of photos. I love the last one, lower left of the babies holding tails!

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Congratulations Jagdeep! You have the most amazing elephant photos.

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That’s really sweet :heavy_heart_exclamation:

:pray:Thank you so much :pray:

Just found out about your elephant photos. My sincere congratulations on the publishing of your wonderful work; certainly well-earned! I will be looking for it at my next dentist visit :grin:.