

Image Description

One of the earliest images I took after investing in my first serious camera. The flowers on ice-encased branch must have been vibrant in the summer months, but I thought they were probably even more beautiful preserved by the ice. This was shot on the shores of Vermont’s Lake Champlain, where wind-driven spray from the (as yet) unfrozen lake coat the surrounding rocks, trees, and revenant plant life. The frigid lake and gray winter skies provide an appropriate blurred background for this chilly subject.

Feedback Requests

I’ve come a long way since taking this image, but thoughts on composition are especially welcome.

Pertinent Technical Details

50mm macro lens on a Nikon Z6; 1/320sec, f/11, ISO 200.

Thomas, this photo tells quite a story, with the white, dripping ice coating. (White ice like this doesn’t happen with freezing rain, it might be found after a heavy hoar frost, but there wouldn’t be any drips…) The composition works well, although I’d do some dodging of the dark “line” across the frame to reduce how much attention it gets. I like that there’s some mimicry of the ice’s shape across the bottom.


Thanks, Mark–I agree that dodging the distant shoreline would help preserve focus on the subject. And I like that you noticed the outline mimicry along the bottom–a happy coincidence.