The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.
Still experimenting with combining photos to make abstracts. Both photos for this were made on the same day, in the same area. Since I can’t do in-camera ME, most of the time I try to combine only photos made in the same area/time frame, to more closely replicate that experience. Maybe that’s a silly conceit, but it does make it easier to decide what to combine, having that constraint.
Specific Feedback
Any comments welcome about any aspect. I didn’t clone out the strands of grasses - are they distracting?
Technical Details
Three image layers combined (2 straight photos, 1 darks2 mask) with different blending modes. Slight color adjustment for blues, curve for contrast. Both photos made with RX1007, hand held.
Bonnie, I’m always glad to see one of yours appear.
I love the leaves, the branches and the blue background. And the imagination that went into them. I’m not sure what to make of the white areas, which are visually preemptive.
Much of what’s going on here is in the lower right. I’d consider a crop that eliminates the more inert areas.
Im discovering im a big fan of reflections over submerged leaves because ive seen a batch on here that i really enjoy. This is very cool. I dont think i would have realized that it was a multiple exposure if you hadnt said something about it. Just a really awesome abstract piece.
Hi Bonnie. I like the blue and white semi-patterns, but to my eye they’re not really working well with the rest of the image-probably just my taste. As @Don_Peters noted the leaf and tree patterns are heavily centered in the lower right which makes the image feel rather unbalanced. I think a crop to the right or lower right so the blue and white isn’t such a dominant element of the image and the leaves can dominate instead would work better for my taste.
Bonnie, this is a lovely abstract with nice colors. I like the vertical and horizontal lines and that deep blue background. I like the constraint you mentioned about using photos made in the same area and time. I have to remember that next time I’m out.
Hi Bonnie,
I’m going to be oppositional and reassert that I really like this shot. The white reflection portion makes a nice s curve through the composition in association with the tree trunks, and I think the leaves, although not as concentrated in the upper left still lead your eye underneath on a diagonal from the upper left to the lower right. I have enclosed my very scientific illustration of what I am seeing.