We have an oak tree in the backyard that is in all its Fall glory right now so I’ve been keeping my eye open for an opportunity to involve its leaves in a bird or squirrel photo. I prefer shooting the male northern flicker for their cool mustache.
Specific Feedback Requested
The background is very nearby but, to me, part of the subject so I didn’t treat it. I think the leaf colors are a fit for the subject. So, cropping? Background?
Technical Details
Z9, Nikon 200-500 lens, monopod, 1/1600th, f 8.0, 375mm, ISO 2800, cropped to 2234 x 1684, Photo AI
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Wonderful photo, Dave. We used to have Flickers in our yard in Colorado. They are beautiful birds, a little annoying when they are poking holes in your house though! Love the colors and the natural camouflage created between the tree back and the tail of the flicker. Great shot.
Like your Fall Flicker, Dave. Wouldn’t do much but admire it from time to time. Background is fine a nice canopy, very sharp on the bird leaning off the trunk, good splotches of sunlight on the back, great eye color. Where is your backyard? Is this a Gilded Flicker? Anyway I liked the shot.