Fern Quest 4

The quest continues. My eye seems better finding smaller scenes for ferns so here you go.

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Com & processing

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Is this a composite: No
147mm f/18 1/40 sec iso 12800 Used Denoise AI


You and Bonnie have eyes for this…I’m going to have to up my game today - heading to the Sprit River to paddle (yup, my favorite place) and there are ferns and water like crazy!

But your image is quiet and put together so well. The light on the ferns and especially the tree is terrific - birches are notoriously difficult to manage. The dark areas are sufficiently dark to convey the forest floor, but not black holes of nothing. I can imaging spiders and salamanders down there. Lucky no one’s been munching on the ferns (not that much does) so they’re practically pristine. Really special. Keep 'em coming, game on!! lol

Mario, this is a nice arrangement of lacy arcs and curves around the birch trunk The range of tones also work well here. For that reason this undoubtedly would work well as a b&w. I’m not sure if that would be better though but it might. I definitely think that intimate compositions of ferns show them off best and look better then them as a field.

Another strong addition to this series. I like the use of the deep shadow areas to separate the ferns and emphasize their shapes. But I think its the birch that really makes this image work, without there would be too much chaos, it provides a nice anchor to the scene.

While this image works very well as presented, I agree with @Igor_Doncov , it’s real potential may lie in B&W.

@Kris_Smith @Igor_Doncov @Ed_McGuirk thak you for all the comments. Igor and Ed ill give the B/W a shot

Didn’t work well for me. The fern overlapping the trunk has a similar tonal value to the trunk. In this case color separation works better than tone separation.

I really like this one, Mario. I agree with Ed that the tree holds it together. I also love the deep shadows and the fact that I can still see ferns even though it is so dark.

Simple elements, excellent composition, and some nice light to tie it all together.

THank you all for commennts @Tony_Kuyper @David_Wallace . @Igor_Doncov @Ed_McGuirk here is a go at B/W. I used a radial foilter with exposure adjustment for the fern over the birc. Does this work as b/w?

I’m loving all these fern images. Great composition here, Mario, and the lush greens contrast very nicely against the neutral trunk. I was thinking the leaves might could use a few highlights so I downloaded it and tried it. Don’t know if it helped or not. You be the judge.

Thanks for doing & showing the rework. TME not sure it is enough of a difference to change my opinion, maybe more would even be better.