Search for different fern presentation continues. Actually presented this one in floral and helpful comments suggestions go this to this point, thank you Kris and Diane. Found this close to home, literally, in my landscape! The juxtaposition of geometries attracted me. Tried color but ehh…not enough. Did some content aware removal of a stray fern leaf shadow in ps, in LR cropped a 4th fern out (3s work better) some brush work on circular highlights.
Specific Feedback Requested
Any and all / comp and processing. Wanted to see what the landscape crew thought of this . Is the emphasis adequate for the ferns or does the other geometry detract?
Technical Details
Is this a composite: No
70mm, 20/f, 1/30 sec, iso 200
This is very nice Mario, I really think the B/W conversion works very nice here.
The URC bothers me a little , but just a tad.
A pleasant photo for sure.
Oh this is lovely. The back looks like the inside of a chambered nautilus. It’s very effective. And you have shadowed patterns in the ‘chambers’ which adds an element of complexity just when you’re getting used to it. But I suppose it’s the overlapping arcs that’s the main point of interest. Yeah, the overall design is very captivating. Wonderfully creative.
The arcuate leaf veins of the hosta (assumed) provide a perfect background. A lot has been said so I’ll just leave it at beautiful.
Once again, this is an excellent image. It’s one of the best images of this year at NPN. In the top 5 certainly.
Very creative image Mario, The composition is pretty unique (great use of a Golden Spiral). And man does this translate well to B&W, nice work on the processing. The composition is both simple and complex at the same time. I’m enjoying this one very much Mario, great job of seeing the possibilities here. This is one of my favorites of your images…
Next June, you and I are going to have to organize an NPN Fern field trip for those NPNers in the northeast
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LOL,count me in @Ed_McGuirk .
THank you @Igor_Doncov @joaoquintela @paul_g_wiegman @Ed_McGuirk for the comments . Ill continue the quest.