Finding the light

Black and white version

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


I used intention camera movement and made use of the new adjustment tool in photoshop to lighten and enhance some of the dark colors. Great Tool!!!

Specific Feedback

I would like to hear whether you prefer color or black and white. Is there any improvements to be made to either. In the one you don’t prefer, how could I improve it, or what is it missing?

Technical Details

This was an ICM

Critique Template

Use of the template is optional, but it can help spark ideas.

  • Vision and Purpose:
  • Conceptual:
  • Emotional Impact and Mood:
  • Composition:
  • Balance and Visual Weight:
  • Depth and Dimension:
  • Color:
  • Lighting:
  • Processing:
  • Technical:
1 Like

Lorretta - I am really drawn to this image and the painterly effect. The different qualities of the light leading to the glow behind the trees made me think of old paintings. Not nearly as fond of the b/w version as I am of the color - maybe because I like the reddish plants in the foreground. I am curious whether lightening the two (very) dark framing trees, and the bottom FG would improve it?

As is often the case, each version has something the other doesn’t. They’re both fine in different ways. The black and white version is a little more engaging for me because my mind has to supply more information to complete the image.

This is nice. I like it. The bright colours are captivating and the blur makes for some nice mood and atmosphere.
My vote goes to the colour version simply because I prefer the mood and feel of it. The black and white is also great but its mood is completely different and feels a bit ghostly to me. It’s not a bad thing and I don’t think you should change anything about it but I just feel better looking at the colour image. :blush:

Thanks Denise, yes you maybe right about the dark framing trees, I will work on them thanks.

I like both, but edging towards the black and white. However, I think the black and white is missing some element, perhaps more middle tones, or maybe a contrast of sharpening idk.

Wonder after comments, what the black and white is missing. I do like the color, but learning about black and white, so what could be done, to make the black and white stand out more?

I like both but feel the color version is more engaging. I think it’s the combo of ICM simplicity and color that offers a balance there.

The black and white is also interesting, but perhaps too much simplicity. There is no part of the picture that pulls us in and keeps us there. In the color image, the light green through the trees pulls us. In the black and white, that’s just brightness and maybe that’s not enough?

In doing black and white, I have found that making sure an image has almost every tone from 1-10 (Nik Silver Efex has a meter of sorts) makes the image more punchy. I also like texture in black and white. However, ICM would make both of those hard to achieve since it blurs texture and and blends tones.

Nonetheless, some of my favorite ICM images of trees are black and white because they seem so original in conception, so it’s possible this could work with more texture, more tonal range, a slight vignette, or perhaps a composite with one additional element added from another and photo.

Either way, you have two good images here.