Fine Art America

Anyone using this site by chance? I’ve been on the site for numerous years and had no issues at all. Most recently weekly updates have been hit & miss, visitor stats works off & on, and more importantly I have not been able to upload any images for almost a week now.
Tech support emails are not being responded to but that maybe holiday related.
Let me know if you’re having any issues…thank you.

I have an account with FAA and discovered that their tech support is not very helpful. I have had minimal luck with sales so its fairly worthless due to lots of cheap kitschy faux art items. They recently implemented some changes with their image uploading and I have yet to test it out with some uploads…Jim

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Me too. Unimpressed and difficult to use the site. Not a sale in 3 years - I mostly signed up out of curiosity.

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Jim & Sandy, thank you so much for responding. After having no luck with their tech support after over a week, again thinking holiday down time, I was starting to wonder if it was me.
But, knowing I’d had decent site usage over the many years it became more evident that they’re starting to fail over all.
@Jim_Zablotny , that’s a big yes to the “cheap kitschy faux art items”. In fact I rarely review the overall site items sold recently but did so today. The top item was a TIME cover shot picture / painting of Man of the Year. As my freshly eaten breakfast hurled toward the monitor screen I moved on.
@SandyR-B my sales have tapered off dramatically over the last couple of years and no end of year sales this year says a lot for the activity we’re not seeing anymore.

@Jim_Zablotny @SandyR-B , I think I have found out why I could finalize an image upload. It’s weird. I could not load any size image, 25mb maximum allowed, so I took an image and used a different PC. It uploaded just fine. I think in the end it was a update to the KAMO on line protection for the browsers I use. Firefox, Chrome, and Edge. It mattered not what browser or other sites I uploaded to ONLY the FAA site would not complete the load. After turning the “tracking” protection off on Chrome it uploaded without any issues.
ONLY at FAA was it an issue on the finalization of the uploads that it did not like at FAA.