Fjord on a summer night

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B + W aesthetics

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The main subject is fascinating. Within the context of the overall dark surroundings it leaves a great impact. It’s a pretty solemn image due to the shape and character of the rock. The white clouds act as a great secondary point of focus. I’ve never actually seen a rainbow in a b&w image but it is quite effective. Overall, I think it’s a very creative vision.

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Thanks Igor. The image is not a shootet in the dark but has really low sharp sunlight. I thought there might be too much “stuff” in it in black and white. As a color image, it works well but I’m not quite sure about this. I also made an A3+ print of it which is ok but maybe not the show stuff in black and white

Interesting image. I prefer the color image in this case. Just feels more natural to me. Certainly a different feel with the processing on the B/W

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That main rock has a lot of character for sure. I too prefer the color version but the B&W tells a different story I think. Terrific moody sky and I love the rainbow. In the color version the foreground that leads out into the water on the right side is much more interesting than in the B&W and I feel it does a better job of leading the viewers eye through the image than the B&W does. Interesting subject for sure.

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I think I prefer the b&w more than the color. The statement is simpler and more direct. The scar on the face of the rock is more impactful. It’s a good b&w candidate because of the large contrast in tonal values.

I do agree with the following statement however.

The color version does have some features that are better therefore.

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This is very enjoyable because of many elements thoughtfully composed. The eye travels throught the point to the sky, and the rainbow completes the circuit. The great brightness of the face of the rock makes it diffi ult for my eye to travel past the rock and into the grand landscape. If the bright face is burned, quite a bit of color and texture emerges, and the strong foreground element is no longer an obstacle, in my view.

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Thanks guys for nice feedbacks! Dick, I also have a suggested version of this but I’m still not sure which one works best. Time will tell

I did not take this to monochrome, but I enjoyed your monochrome image greatly. With additional detail and color in the face of the rock, if you convert this, I think the monochrome will be even better.

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