Floating Galaxy

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


I love to go to boat basins. Always something interesting for shoot. This was some scum (plants, oil, who knows what else.) I darkened the water in the background and increased the saturation and detail in the floating detritus to make it look like a nebula or something astral.

Specific Feedback

Any feedback is welcome

Technical Details

1/100 sec @ f9.0, ISO 500


Very cool, Chis. It certainly gives the impression of something like that to me.

Great subject, Chris. It reminds me of something one might see under a very powerful microscope. Wonderful shapes and flow to this one. The title is perfect!

Nicely done, Chris.

Cool! And nicely done (and seen).

@linda_mellor @Bonnie_Lampley @Don_Peters @Dennis_Plank
Thank you for your kind comments.

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Fantastic abstract image Chris! At first glance, my imagination saw a horse or sea serpent from a fantasy book. I love the way you isolated the subject and patterns by darkening the water. This has so much mystery to it. Great work!

Thank you very much.

Chris, this looks great. I too saw a dragon or horse. The magenta and orange tones add some fine colors.

@Mark_Seaver Thanks, Mark.