This spring I have photographed flowers and tried to create a little bit more personal images. Here I wanted to create a soft more painting like image. I created the softness in the field by having grass and leaves close to the lens in front of the flower. I also but a lot of effort to achieve the BG.
Specific Feedback Requested
Any comments are welcome!
Technical Details
ISO 400, 1/800, f/4.5, Olymous OMD EM1X with Olympus 40-150 @ 85 mm (170 mm equiv.)
This is gorgeous! I love the tiny in-focus areas, set off by the very pleasing shapes of the flowers. What a great idea to use the grasses as a “shoot-through” filter! The BG is perfect!
Ola’s back and still on top even if the camera is on the ground. Nice one. I can tell these are teeny little guys, but they are worthy of attention. And using natural objects as filters is a neat idea that I’d never thought of, so thanks for that. The overall softness works really well, so you’ve achieved your goal with this photo. The square crop reinforces the angles of the two sets of flowers, too. Really sublime.
Just beautiful, Ola. I love the lighting hitting the edges of the in-focus areas of the blooms, while about everything else is soft. The BG supports the subject as well. So well done.
Exquisite Ola. The softness and framing work very well. I played with adding a slight bit of contrast to the flowers to help then stand out just a tad more, and liked the effect; I suspect that is very much personal preference though.
@John_Williams thanks for your kind comments. I will try the post-processing changes you propose. @Kris_Smith + moderators, thanks for the EP. Appreciated, it encourage me and gives me an indication that also others think that I am moving in the right direction.