Flowers and Wet Leaves

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


This image was shot using a Lumix full frame camera with an unlikely candidate for close up work, a 35mm f1.8.

With only green color in the subject (the flowers are white) I decided to try this in mono. However, I often find it difficult to get a good, punchy black and white image from a subject of one color. The rain droplets helped with that hurdle.

I was looking for a simple, uncomplicated image but with good detail and presence.

Technical Details

Lumix S5 with Lumix 35mm f1.8 S lens
F14, 1/60, iso 1000
Hand held
Processed with Lightroom Mobil on iPad


WOW! Gorgeous!! The whites are perfect. My only thought is possibly a bit more contrast on the leaves, maybe by tweaking the green channel, but that is really an idle thought – it is wonderful as is!


What an outstanding photograph! I love the balance composition and the fantastic contrast between the leaves and the flowers. The orientation of the flower petals, the water drops on the leaves, the lighting, and even the subtle shallow focus giving the leaves deeper in a slight blur all work together so well. Really well done!

Youssef said it - outstanding. The tonalities here are positively perfect. Plus that light is lickable. Woah. I’ve thought about trying out the S line from Panasonic as I’ve been a G9 user for almost 5 years and this is not helping my wallet any! 35mm was a favorite focal length of mine when I shot film and I have a gorgeous f/2 lens that performed similarly to what this one seems to do.

Bummer that the left bunchberry flower stamen cluster isn’t as sharp as the right one. The leaves look like they were the focus point and those droplets knock me out. Great even light and positioning so that the leaves cover most of the frame. Processing looks fabulous. Bravo!

Bill, I agree with everyone here, this is truly spectacular! I love the tonalities and the contrast is perfect! This reminds me of Ansel Adams’ famous Dogwood Blossoms image.

Bill, this is perfect subject for B&W, for sure. Nice eye candy. Sure, it would have been nice if the bottom bloom was as sharp as the top, but I would be very pleased to call this mine. Very pleasing image.

Thank you so much for the comments.

Kind word indeed. Thank you.

1 Like

YES !!! Beautiful photo. The water drops really pop out and i love the tone of this photo… Works great in black and white !!!

Shazam! Love this shot. Everything about it, the tones, water droplets, framing are all outstanding work. This should be hanging on your wall!

I like the simplicity of the photograph. The tonalities and composition are spot on. Classic and beautiful!