Flowing Succulent

Yes I do shoot color too! Another from my greenhouse session. I loved the flowing curves of these leaves and the stark contrast between the pink and green.

Specific Feedback Requested

Any and all honest and constructive feedback is welcome. Please don’t hold back, I’m trying to improve.

Technical Details

Is this a composite: No
Camera: Fujifilm X-T3
Lens: Canon EF 70-300 f4/5.6 IS USM (with Fringer adapter)

ISO: 80
Focal Length: 238 mm
Aperture: f/13
Shutter: 1/55 s.

Single shot no stacking

All post processing done in Photoshop. This is what my layers look like:

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I like the idea of this - the softness of color and of line, but I feel it lacks contrast to the point of looking like just a pile of mistakes instead of a pile of deliberate decisions. I see you have several curves layers here, but I’m not sure why so many were needed. Ditto with the blur and sharpen. Maybe a soft look could have been achieved in camera by using a wider aperture.

In terms of composition, I think this is a little blocked. With curves like this, I should be led into the photo and through the layers of light and color, but the way it’s set up I am pinging from side to side. There is great depth here, but not enough mystery and it might be the processing. Highlights look a little hot, too.

Hm…there is potential here. Do you have another angle? Or maybe a less processed version to compare with?

Thanks for being honest @Kris_Smith! Below is what the image looks like untouched. I probably tend to overuse Curves layers. The “Curves 1” layer was to bring up the exposure on a dark corner. Curves 2, 3 and 4 could have been one layer for sure. The Sharpen 3px grouping is a standard sharpening technique I learned from https://www.vulturelabs.photography/ which works well in most cases, but I know sharpening is an entire universe of techniques. Perhaps there is a better way, or at least a direction for me to explore?

Sadly this is the only angle I have of this image.

I know not every image can be great and some can not even be saved. So I’m always open to feedback like “Sorry this image just hasn’t got it and there’s nothing that can save it. Try again”. I don’t take it personally, I’m here because I’m trying to grow :slight_smile:

I appreciate your time and feedback!

I like the abstract composition and the colors are nice. Just not sure the faded-out, low-contrast look is the best option. Something with more contrast would maybe help bring out the shapes and textures more.

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